ML was off for the weekend and back on 04-08-2008:
** Boys, Girls and Peasantfolk. Lend Me Your Ears.Hope u had a fabulous weekend like me. I'm Back. Now that the article is out, perhaps the more prescient readers
finally know why it took so long. So the peasant Wendy Cheng has refused to settle - The Princess Council, in their infinite mercy, gave her a way out but she refused it.
That ingrate. In Chinese, they have a saying Jing Jiu Bu Chi, Chi Fa Jiu. So The Princess Council has now officially convened a War Council. The peasant Wendy Cheng
and her bunch of hoi polloi will now have the wrath of the gods upon them. Singapore's village newspapers are keeping close track of this saga so I guess just keep
reading my dear boys, girls and peasant folk.p.s. 2 Potters now know who I am as I have responded to them. Crystalling and Purple Turtle. Love ya all.
I believe that was me But people still visit her blog. So who is worse, the blogger or her readers?
By the way, all the STOMPERS got it wrong. There is a real reason why men are so weak for fleshy desires.The woman's vagina is a magic cave. Few people know this
but the exchange of powers and energies in the cosmos depends on our vaginas. Our vaginas are the main conduit by which energy in the material world flows back to
the immaterial world.The men's penis are Dragons. The Dragon has always been a symbol of mystical power because of the Penis. The power of the material world is
embodied in the Dragons.The Dragons must then enter the Caves so power can flow. It is inevitable. It is like a siren song to them, like a fly to the Venus Flytrap. (The
Venus Flytrap is another example of flow of power between a Vagina and the vectors of material power - flies).Thus men, as the carrier of Dragons cannot help but be
seduced by us women, the guardians of the Caves.This is the true reason.I am here to spread the truth.
No idea. I was away. I haven't summoned Dawnie for an audience yet.
So Dawnie can't write, her fans can't read, it's a perfect match. She is merely serving her demographics - so give her a break will u?
I am a Cave Guardian.
U lot are obviously giving her loads of attention. I think the peasants are all her closet fans. Dawn is what you call an aspirational figure - someone you all aspire to be
secretly and get jealous of cos u can't.
My manicurist is here. Gotta go for a couple of hours. C u soon. Tata.
ML came back after 3 hours:
It will all be in the news. I cannot reveal anything that may be sub judice.Hoi polloi - as I keep re-iterating, if u have nothing to fear stand up and make yourself known.
They made a Faustian pact with me. Now they have to live with it.
Fully-functioning adult. That's a good one. Does a fully functioning adult need an IQ of a certain level?
So any other takers? I am in a deal-making mood today. Mintgirl? Gossipgirl? Mad Green Elf? I promise to be more generous than Mephistopheles.
Veritas hid in the well. When people were looking for her, they could not find her. When they saw her, they thought she was someone else.
Is my mind that simple? Yet the truth is even simpler haha.Anyway it doesn't matter. The newspapers will update again end of week. Fun and games have just begun.Oh
and to answer ONE question here that I think is not sub judice, Dawnie can file a lawsuit even if she isn't here. That's the nice thing about beind a princess - we have
minions to do our dirty work
End of Day 16. To be continued........
Looque Models, Juice magazine, Oxford '99, Dawn Yang, xiaxue, Steven Lim, Plastic surgery, singapore, cozycot