Who exactly is Melissa LAM (ML)? She started posting in cozycot on 20-07-2008. This is her first post:
** I think it's the beginning of the end for all dawn haters. First she will bring XX down, then she will find all the IP addresses of all the people who have been telling lies
about her and take them down ONE BY ONE....
And then 2 minutes later, ernernhui82 (Whose id is suspected to be Dawn's) replied on ML's post:
** no l.ah............lol.
ML continued to with her 2nd post:
** Nobody is truly safe on the internet anymore. The government has jailed 1 blogger and 1 anonymous forum user. Now Dawn Yang has started what may be the first
civil lawsuit stemming from cyberspace. I think the last guy interviewed in the Sunday Times is right - we need to be careful what we say on cyberspace esp in singapore.
Then ernernhui82 replied again after 4 minutes:
** ya man. i dont want to go to jail or go bankrupt just because of someone i don't know irl or someone i dont like.NOT WORTH IT AH!!! so i just kpo here, kpo
there.....but i never say anything. lol. just try to analyse these people that's all. afterall, internet so many photoshoped pitures. i dont want to see one picture and then say
that person got do surgery. w.ah skali irl she no surgery n dont look like that, it's all photoshop, then i "sie l.iao ah"but some people.........well, it's an open fact.
And more from ernernhui82:
** hahaha! no dont get fooled! that only works "on the surface". if the government wants to dig it out, they can. do you know that alot of criminals use ip routers, but they
still get caught!!!
** hmmm....i think she's just saying a fact? that we must be careful and responsible online.anyway, we are what. we never say dy do PS. someone else said it and we just
comment only. hahaha.
** wonder if looque will renew her contract aft it ends? i think not right? she got sign up v long ago ah?
** or for giving them a bad name on forums now. sigh. hahaa.
And then back to ML:
** Didn't someone on STOMP say that Khattar Wong were Looque's lawyers? Maybe they approve .. but I doubt they would fund Dawn, she's not a big **** star.All I am
saying is that unless u r damn sure about ur investigative powers and ur proof better not say anything here that can cause us to get sued. Nobody is anonymous here
really... and if dawn has the money to hire khattar, and get the Head of Litigation no less to represent her, she can find out our IPs and come after us. And PinkRibbons,
hope u r not using ur real pic cos u seem to be one of the harshest dawn critic here, DY may come after u next (but i think she will go after the dawnwayang website
creator first)
** dawn wont go after pinkribbons first. She has bigger fish to fry. Like the creator of the dawnwayang website. XX will go down in flames soon. Keystone Law
Corporation..say what?
** Yes it will be a war of attrition and in these wars, those who have money and time win. I hope those pledges of donation XX gets from her teenage readers really
materialize for her.
Back to ernernhui to get cotters guessing:
** so who is melissa lam?!
Then it's back to ML and we found out she is a christian who attends church and used the word peasant for the very first time:
** Why am I annoying? I'm here out of the goodness of my heart, to warn anyone here who thinks she is beyond the influence of Dawn.
** When a good hearted sweet devoutly Christian girl like Dawn is being bullied by named and anonymous cyber bullies, the Almighty will strike hard and punish these
** This is your opinion. At my church, our girls are proud to be beautiful and sexy. My definition of an old man is 50 and above. Royston Wu has barely turned 40. Funny
looking is also your opinion. Lying is also your opinion - sometimes people change their minds.
** Dawn's indeed mixed - believe what u will. She gets to skip queues cos she is special. Special people dont play by normal people rules. Normal people get jealous.
That's life.
** I'm not here to start a catfight w anyone, despite having my gender questioned, called brainwashed etc. I am just here to tell everyone to be careful, Dawn is showing
her power, and XX is going down. That's all.
** If u talk to her REAL friends, u will know how exactly she is mixed. Go talk to REAL people instead of taking stuff off the internet. There is a real world out there u
know, where law suits happen, where the aristocrats hire big name law firms whilst peasants get no-name ones....
** Arissa Cheo is even more special. In fact she is the real aristocrat. Maybe Dawn is the lady-in-waiting. If Dawn is ever to be so silly as to cross Arissa, she will be in
serious da da cos ASrissa will probably get Queen's Counsel to rep her. U get my drift...
Ernernhui82 disappeared & Wazzle (another ID suspected to be Dawn's) appeared:
** Remember reading somewhere that Dawn has grandparents who are slightly mixed, she is not a 50-50 eurasian, nor has she proclaimed herself to be one...Ahh this
lawsuit thing is going to be interesting..... *popcorn time!!!* i think its quite boliao to go to court... but gd for us to watch eh? hahaa.btw, imo if arissa was in the
entertainment arena, she'd definitely get mudslingers and gossipers talking dirt about her too ***. Only matter of time, just as it happens to most celebs. Singaporeans
luv to pull down those climbing up the ladder. Just that arissa choose to keep private now. So we generally leave her alone. But.... she used to seek the limelight too.
Friends who know her said she wanted to be a taiwan star before, just like dawn. So she got her rich father to pull some strings there. She went there some years ago,
act a bit, but cannot make it. Could not get popular, so went back to school.
Back to ML:
** Her real friends who have actually known her from young not some random geek RJC spastic who was there at same time as her who worshipped her from afar.
** Arissa doesnt need to go to school. She is Asia's Paris Hilton partying with billionaire boys. She does what she wants and she doesnt care what peasants say about
her. Arissa lives on another planet altogether, Dawn sometimes visits that planet but is non-resident, Xiaxue can't get past the border controls. (NOTE: Xiaxue attended
Arissa's birthday party but Dawn was no way to be seen)
Wazzle immediately replied to ML:
** HAHAH great analogy reallie got me laughin!
Back to ML:
** Yes Claire Yeo is Eurasian but she doesn't care to emphasize that bit of her ...
Then ernernhui82 posted again:
** w.ah tomorrow i go SBS bus interchange no need queue. bus come, i go up.people stare, i say "I AM SPECIAL"
** so must have now many percent of foreign blood then can call eurasian actually?
** that about i arissa, i heard too. on other forums.....haha. but anyway, arissa is born in 1982 right? why i google and many website say she born 1986? so how old is she
Back to ML:
** QueenBee Xiaomeimei, U really reckon there is no caste system here? Today I was at the hospital, I walked from C class wards to B2 to B1 then to A, I thought it was
different hospitals. So either work very hard or marry a rich man.
Ernernhui82 replied to ML again (note, she seems to only replied to ML):
** LOL. thats funny.
Gosh........ This is interesting... Deliriouschic (this ID is confirmed to be Dawn's) started to post:
** Dawn has said before she's upper-middle class family only right. And in some fashion post she said she don't believe in buying expensive clothes.it seems to me
she's just getting to enjoy the finer things in life now and enjoying them, maybe either her family's doing better or it's because of her earnings and status now. might be a
lil show off, but I mean, a lot of other people including myself like to take photos of the nice things they get. Arissa is no different really, she takes many photos of her
branded stuff and holidays and everything to show online. Her loubutins, her cartier etc... Xiaxue also too..... and for these bloggers its "business".. ****** they do it for
blog traffic...
And then Wazzle replied to Ernernhui82 (split personality?):
** yuppz shes older than dawn by a few years.so old still super havoc and party girl n living off her parents money n sitting around dolling up n taking photos of her
loubutins... even if aristocrat i would have more respect if she earned her own money and do something, like paris hilton. i guess she tried in taiwan, but since that failed, i
think its better she get a proper job instead of partying her life away...
Back to ML:
** I don't understand. Why work when u can party ur life away? :p
And then Ernernhui82 replied to Deliriouschic and Wazzle:
** ah...........true........but maybe because like xx say dy copying arissa. so if dy copying arissa, she also copying arissa's showing off style?
** dont mind me saying. for me, both arissa n dy are e same. sama sama l.ah.....sighya, arissa also takes alot of boliao pictures..........but of course except that her family
is really rich and she is pretty.
ML returned:
** Mrs Yeo is Eurasian
Back to Ernernhui82 replying to ML and others:
** hmm.....not sure. but one thing about arissa irks me - she smokes. i saw pictures of her lighting up or smoking in he rmoonfruit.
** so her mum's sharp nose is natural?! her mum looks indo.
** my friend's father is chinese, mum is chinese-portugese-french. as in, her mum's mum is chinese portugese, dad is french.but it says chinese on my friend's IC.i think
this kind of thing cannot trust l.eh......another friend is indian-chinese. and her IC says chinese too. why not indian? or indian chinese?! woah confusing.
Back to Wazzle replying to ML:
** To be a more useful person? While i certainly understand the attractiveness and fun of living off parents, it kind of goes to show a shallow character imo. Yes, enjoy
your parents wealth, but is that all you're doing? Partying, buying expensive cars, filling your walk in wardrobe? What about improving yourself, doing meaningful work, or
charity since so rich? And im sure many cotters here agree with me on this point about arissa, as evident from what they said about dawn living off her parents n party
lifestyle. Before it was revealed she actually earns her money from her blog that is.
And then it's Deliriouschic replying to Wazzle:
** Dawn's obviously chinese and not eurasian.but I believe its possible she really has got some other bloods from her grandparents. And then she got some surgery to
look more mixed. Her mum is pretty and looks like those indo-chinese.thing is, she did not say she's a 50-50 eurasian. it's other people who started writing that she's
eurasian, because they thought she looks it.
** I fully agree with you. Arissa needs to grow up and be less spoilt..But I guess ultimately it's up to her cos it's her life, just as how its up to Dawn how she leads her life.
As long as both of them are not harming anyone.
This is the last post. And then all of a sudden, all these posters (wazzle, ernernhui82, ML, deliriouschic) disappeared at the EXACT same time. Coincidence? You
What a busy evening for Miss Yang. What a great way to introduce ML to the cotters........ (end of 20-07-2008, to be continued.......)
p/s: A reader spotted Deliriouschic & Wazzle wrongly spelt Loubutins (Louboutins) the same way.
Looque Models, Juice magazine, Oxford '99, Dawn Yang, xiaxue, Steven Lim, Plastic surgery, singapore, cozycot