Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who is Melissalam?

Morning welcome speech from ML after learning about Dawn Yang's Plagiarism:

** Hello Boys and Girls of the Cotter World. All Rise All Hail. HRH Melissa is back.For all of you wondering, I was here last night, and have been catching up on the posts

just now. I haven't disappeared - I have been pondering, ruminating, judging all and sundry.If I am to be reigning Queen one day, I have to hone me Solominic skills

properly and it isn't easy. Did I tell you I am descended from the Queen of Sheba and Haile Selassie was my great uncle? But I digress...I must confess I have never

read Dawn's star blogs. Honestly, I am not the target demographic. I was rather taken aback by the charges of plaigiarism and had to investigate; my constables have

been discreetly checking for me ever since. Needless to say, I also needed to wait for Dawn to wake up and question the accused herself.It is true. She copied and

pasted. I was overwhelmed with disappointment.However, I quickly got a grip on my emotions as my Solominic bloodline took over. I took a step back and tried to see

the forest for the trees.As some readers here have astutely obeserved, unlike the hysterical peasants who quickly formed a lynching mob, there are many pictures there

taken from various sources on the internet and copied and pasted without citation. This is true of all STOMP bloggers.I am thus quoting artspraken as he is one of the

enlightened and not one of the hoi polloi here.The question that was thus burning through my mind was then this: Dawn was wrong, but are the STOMP editors stupid

and equally culpable? They seem to have a flagrant disregard for copyright and intellectual property. As a master of original prose and thought, this DISGUSTS ME.I

mean my Dawnie can't write - this is clear from her own blog entries. But the mighty SPH?!! The whole STOMP blogosphere is one big copyright infringement.If Dawn

goes down, STOMP goes down. All the STOMP bloggers go down.Thus I am waiting to see how STOMP and SPH will react to your complaints. If they take out all

copied pictures and texts, I wisely reckon that most of STOMP Blogs would be one Carte Blanche that Michaelangelo would be happy to paint on.I thus infer that

STOMP has tacitly approved blatant copyright infringement on their blogs. Will it be likely that they will react? Will they open up a can of worms that implicates

themselves? We will see.This however is only tangentially relevant to DY's case against XX. XX is still going down. 2 wrongs don't make a right and DY is suing for a

variety of points. Some are clear cut, some are not. Today our Law Lord will decide on the statement of claims - we suspect it will be on 1 or 2 watertight points and the

jugular will be targeted.P.S. To the hysterical peasant who thinks I am Noel. If I am Solomon, u must be St Anselm's Fool.

** (Whatever the case is, I still look down on plagiarism regardless of how anyone puts it in anyway.) Me too dusksnoopy, me too...

** Yes, but WHICH lie? Leaving for where. She's not going anywhere until term starts. For now, it's war.

** Well her detractors can't hate her anymore than they do now. So what is adding PLAIGIARISER to the reasons. When u hate someone as irrationally as many peasnt

girls here do, any reason can suffice.

** Ah. So Queen Bee can't put things into her own words either eh?

** STOMP boss? No idea. But if they don't check then they r silly. But then the ST is a village newspaper no? Who else but a village newspaper would give such

prominent coverage of a lawsuit by 2 bloggers?

** Honestly, I despise her for plagiarising too. But I despise ST more for allowing plagiarising on their official blogs, and allowing copyrighted images to be used with

disregard. If Dawn had been caught with the first blog post, she would have stopped. But ST allowed it to go on and on, allowed them to use other people's pictures, so I

guess the bloggers thought copyright infringement is ok since it's ONLY a blog. Hambug.

** I don't even live on this planet. R u paying attention?

** Peasant! To you it's "His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of Kings of Ethiopia and Elect of God" Show some respect!

** Would u like to borrow my time-machine to transport you to the middle-ages? You seem quite suitable for it. Such vitriol for people who go for plastic surgery...haha.

What was the world Artspraken used? Pleb.

** Debbie Yong is the village reporter who is covering this news?Anyway this is my last post for the afternoon - I have an appointment to have my derriere polished.I am

here to spread the truth like I said. So let's be fair.Dislike Dawn for fair things. Like her for fair things.If you dislike her for being a plagiariser, fine. I despise that too.If you

think her blog is dumb, fine, that's a personal opinion. I think her blog is pretty dumb too.But don't dislike her for having plastic surgery.Don't dislike her for not admitting

PS - many peoplein entz do the same. It's part of the job.Don't accuse her for having sex with sleazy men.Don't call her a liar about NYU etc just because you don't

understand the US education system.Don't call her a liar about MTV etc when you don't know for sure.Anyway, I am off. Been sitting here too long. Really need that

polishing session.

** Obvious to your peasant mind maybe. U shld take up a summer course on thinking.

Note: Deliriouschic, Wazzle & Ernernhui82 didn't go on cozycot to defend Dawn Yang after her plagiarism scandal broke.

End of Day 5. To be continued....

Looque Models, Juice magazine, Oxford '99, Dawn Yang, xiaxue, Steven Lim, Plastic surgery, singapore, cozycot