Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who is Melissalam?

ML made a fresh appearance all by herself on the following day (21-07-2008). First she talked about the topic of race:

** someone is getting it finally. Our society is still v chauvinistic - our race/dialect group follows our father's. Now think about this in relation to Dawn... got it now?

** Actually these are the true Eurasians

** SMURFS is getting it. PinkRibbons, QueebBee..LEARN!

** Ok u r not getting it. SMURF's ic says Chinese, but her relatives that know better tell her she may have some eurasian blood in her...but she chooses not to emphasize

that part. Get it?

** Mother's father is Eursian, if u must really know

Then moved on to explain the definition of peasant:

** Ok since u keep asking...I will clarify. Anyone who lives in a HDB flat is a peasant, in our opinion. But there is no shame in being a peasant. They make up the majority

of society and are very important in keeping any society going.

Then back to race:

** What it says in our IC officially and what the race actually is, is different, if u r mixed. That's my point.

Then to insult:

** Are u dyslexic or retarded?

** If you are at our church, I will know u. If u r not, I don't want to know u.

** Everything is relative, my little friend.

Then she went on to anwer cotter's question:

'Melissa Lam, since you seem to know DY so well. Why dont you clarify these points for her?
1. Did she have plastic surgery? If she did, where and why did she deny ever having them?
2. What happened to Tinsel Management contract?
3. Did Jacky Wu offer her a contract?
4. Was she going out with Mr R this year Valentines Day? If so, then why did she say she was single then?
5. If her grandfather is eurasian, then why did she sometimes say she is Dutch/Thai or Jap/Dutch ?
6. She only wanted XX to withdraw 6 points so does it mean all other things XX mention are true?
7. Did DY write the article written by guest_summerdoll?
Final point: How can we believe whatever you say abt DY is true?

** 1. Yes. She has never denied. She was told not to comment.
** 2. Like a reader said, Tinsel was bought over.
** 3. Yes
** 4. She was out with Mr. R but not going out with Mr. R.
** 5. Bcos that's the mix that exists in her bloodline, however diluted.
** 6. Either that or she can't prove it either way.
** Really, I'm not here to fight, but to share the truth and to warn.

And went on answering more questions and defending Dawn:

** Ok shall put it in Singapore peasnat slang... She was out with Mr R but not dating Mr R.

** If she did her boobs would she dare sue? Yes cos of the long contract. Finally cos she wanted to be a VJ and Singer not to be a DJ. Ultimately she failed in all these

dreams, but I think it's good she tried.

** I don't know the answer to question 7. USC/NYU - it's simple. The american education system allows u to gain credits and change colleges. So she went to

Marymount, gained credits, switched to USC, came back to SG, then used all the credits she earned to apply to NYU.

** Oh and re which parts, I don't think it will be fair for me to tell u but I have a feeling Dawn will do a tell-all soon herself

** Yes but her parents did not want her to sign a 8 year contract.

** She hasn't hurt anyone apart from the scam advertisement on her blog. For that she was a right stupid bimbo and we already bitch slapped her for it. Sorry.

** I didnt say they werent good people. Many peasants are very good and nice people. U r reading and insult into that word itself. No in Singapore defamation laws for

public figs are even stricter than for private individuals.

** She was under pressure to say nothing as the did she/didnt she saga got her a lot of media attention.Arissa - it's a coincidence.

** Only if u think peasant is a derog term. Why is this my job?

** Who is THE real Melissa Lam? Is there only one real one and all others are fake? We don't exist? ???

** Actually those people should have sued Dawn.

** Scroll back. When did I ever make such a claim? Do you wanna get sued? I am only here as a good Christian to share the truth and to warn.

** Because Dawn's family wants her to go back to school and graduate.

** I am indeed one of these 3. Take ur pic but here is your chance to get the TRUTH so u may see the light, and not fall into the sin that XX has fallen into which has got

her into so much trouble. Put down your rakes and your hoes and listen up properly. I may not be here forever

** Here r the answers. Dawn manages her own blog. STOMP manages her STOMP blog. Her agency manages her only as a model/celeb blogger for commercial


** She has until 25 to do what she wants. After that she has to go back to uni whatever happens. That's the deal.

** To be honest, I am not sure about the Jacky Wu 8 year thing - let me ask her and get back to u.

** U must repent. Ur arrogance and stubborness in being sinful will only get u in the same trouble as XX, who is going down.

** Pls list the bad things here one by one I will try to answer them. I already answerd the Maxim and scam ad ones.

** I said Jack offered her I am just not sure about the 8 years. U have reading comprehension problems?

** Actually for MTV Taiwan, the contracts are all damn long. This is cos they invest a lot in grooming the talent so they need the time to recoup.

** As good christian girls, we pray for the dyslexic and the retarded.

** I am AN actual Melissa Lam. I am not from Tinsel Management, it does not exist.

** Better late than never. Dawn is about to embark on a new chapter of her life. The quarter century is almost up. The lawsuit is the watershed event that will end it all.

Then she will attempt to migrate to Arissa's planet. Peasants like XX will look in from afar.

** I'm not her spokesperson. I'm her prophet.

Someone here mentioned Rachel Kum. That someome should go ask Rachel. As for Royston, he told me they were not.

One cottor asked ML:

'Seeing as how DY has turned against Looque Models once during her email with xiaxue (i.e "You know how bad agencies can be."), I'm not surprised if DY sues you

too, Melissa if she does not approved of what you said.'

ML replied:

** If she turns against me, she will be finished.

And ML finished her 2nd day with these posts:

** This actually the planet of us real princesses. There r a fair few of us there. U won't know of it living on ur farm.

** I'm not joking. U can go check whatever I said.

** Trust me. Dawn is extremely grateful to me

** Ok my manicurist is coming over now tata. Will check back later. Anyway we r all waiting to see what XX 's lawyers will reply to tmr. So exciting.

NO, ML came back 2 hours later to answer my question......

** Actually he's not a player. He pretends to be one. Girls just take his free gifts etc and he gets nothing. Left HIGH and DRY. Especially after his divorce. haha

** Also I'm not a troll. I am not here to fight. I am here to spread the truth and to warn.

** I guess the only ones who are interested in having a proper conversation instead of attacking me are PinkRobbons and sugarcane

** Well to those who asked questions, I gave the answers. Real answers. For those who want to PM me, I can give u real names to ask and verify.For those who want to

talk to us, come to Mimolette this Friday night, if u can get in. Dawn will be there too. Come say hi and ask us and we will answer.

** If u know me, u will know I like all good christian girls, don't lie. What do I have to gain to come here to lie? As I said, if you really wanna know, I will give u a few real life

contacts, go verify urself.

** I'll be there. See you. First table in the inside table as you walk in from the restaurant. PM me on friday before u go,

** I'm doing this becos I am sick of internet detectives. There is a real life out there with real answers.

** I already told u. She did go for plastic surgery. Now which of u dare stick your neck out non-anonymously and say which part? Anyway, I don't think Dawn has ever

DENIED PS. She has just vacillated and I think she got v bad advice on that. Heritage - no lie. But maybe a bit exaggerated.

** Obviously u don't find irony funny

** Cavemen saw lightning and thought the gods were throwing fire at them.

** Who paid for the cosmetic and plastic sugery? and how much total was spent? Her mother.

** are you trying to help Dawn, or are you trying to piss more pple off about Dawn? Neither. I am here to spread the truth and to warn

** I was in Taiwan when MTV happened. I don't know about Jacky I already told u I will ask. Her heritage, I asked her mum during CNY this year.

ML started to deny she is NOEL (Dawn's manager):

** Noel can't even spell. Doubt he can write the flowing prose from my princess education.

** You must be retarded or unable to scroll upwards. Or maybe u have reading comprehension problems. I will pray for u too.

** Thank u girls who have pm'd me. It seems like those who pm'ed me r nice people who really want the truth.

** Haha u must be kidding me. How naive r u? Who here is posting as the real them? However, Blushiee will know my real identity, if she keeps to her end of our faustian


** Some of these questions I have already answered.Edison MSN - it is as she wrote. Jacky Wu - I already said I don't know.Guest summerdoll - i will ask her but if she

did , doubt she would say.
** It's becoming quite obvious to me there are serious truth-seekers like GG2008, Blushiee, Bunnyxx, and then there are the rest anonymous ostriches.

** No idea when. She is discussing it. But prob before she leaves for NY.DY is very sweet and very caring girl. Sometimes she is a bit naive. To be honest, Wendy is

pretty normal in real life too, she just needs to rein in her cyber-persona.

** Cos the top of the letter and bottom has her personal details like where she lives.

** She just wanted to show she got in..the first para already stated that. rest of it if she have to photoshop also meaningless.

** Oh dear. U r using hearsay as evidence. Anyway, u r not a genuine truthseeker. U have too much hate in u.

** Can I trouble u to point me to where these 2 babies are exactly on her blog? Sorry..

** Can't see the pictures. Q 1) Already answered many times 2) Is it fair to real eurasian girls? Who are real eurasian girls which leads me to 3) when a casting call is put

out for pan-asian girls, a variety of looks are presented, as long as they LOOK pan-asian. At least that's what I gather from my model friends.

** She is already a star, albeit a star blogger.

** So melissa, did Dongie inject anything into her boobs? Sure, maybe it wasnt implants, but why is the pic on nuffnang event so odd looking like there's a circular and

irregular lump on her boob ?No. Nothing. Bad picture.

** YOU may call me Princess, or Your Royal Highness. That will do

** I didnt say that all cotters are peasants. But those who are up-in-arms over this epithet are obvioulsy in pain after I touched a raw nerve.

** Ok I am pretty sure you have either reading comprehension problems, or you have motor-coordination problems. We will pray for u.

** Yes I love her. She is a very caring friend and is always sweet and polite to people. V well brought up. Def not a peasant girl.I think she is v misunderstood. It is not up

to me to promote her for TV work.

Notice all Deliriouschich, Wazzle, Ernernhui82 were not there? Miss Yang went to partae?

ML was gone and back again much later together with some of her muses.....

** U sound v angry and jealous. Ur nick is Queen Bee, we know what ur aspirations are. It must be v frustrating for u to be washing dishes in Chinatown.

** Already told u, to spread the truth to peasants and to warn them.

** Agents fee is 20 to 25 percent I believe.

** I have many PMs. Sorry those are my priority. Anyway, just came back from our private SHAW BROTHERS screening. They showed us X Files - like it says, if u want

the truth, u must first believe.

** Hi can I state once again I am not here to fight so no point attacking me. It is a fact that HDB dwellers are the peasants of Singapore. There is no shame in that.

Anyway tomorrow is the big day, we are throwing a PARTEE to await Wendy's response. I'm going to bed. FOCUS GIRLS. This is about the truth, and about Wendy

going down. Good night and for all u sincere folks out there, thanks for the PMs!

Ernernhui82 was back:

** ACTUALLY, i know how sad this is going to sound, but............there is still a caste system in this century. if you know people from THAT circle, you will be shocked at

how they think. i am not in their circle but i do know a few. they look down on average people. some of the people i know, do not even want to talk to people who drives a

car that's under $200k. but i have to mingle with these people for the sake of work/business.esp. in places like india/russia, this is still evident. and it will always be.

unfortunately. i know, i hate it. will always be there - social classes.

Back to ML:

** Wow so much bitterness, I must have touched a raw nerve. I am sorry u still keep sea monkeys as pets, do they keep u company when u wash dishes in the crammy

china town cafe - "Flied Lice, Sir?" Re princesses with real influence or power, the only 2 countries with that happen to be in the continent we r in - this one, but u wouldnt

know that being on ur knees scrubbing floors for ur white master. And as for sucking c cks, u would know that wouldn't u? It's ok, we dont judge u on how u pay ur rent...

** Yes I am a guy, physically, mentally, emotionally. The whole she-bang.Whatever turns u on, honey!

** 1. Is your real name Melissa Lam?2. Are you Dawn Yang's friend?1. No comment.2. yes.

** Footing whose bill? Dawn's footing her own. And Wendy's teenage readers are financing her, no?

Ernernhui82 was back with question on Arissa to ML:

** melissalam, were dy n arissa friends? do u know arissa too?

** i think she kind of tired of paying? but anyway, i think dy also got money one l.ah.....

ML answered Ernernhui82:

** Acquaintances. Yes.

Ernernhui82 to ML:

** then do u happen to know what arissa thinks of this whole saga?

15 minutes later, Ernernhui82 announced ML is gone for the day. How did she know????

** melissalam is gone. hey, tomorrow lookout for xx's post.n i do think dy going to post a tell-all soon. after e case or whatever!

Strange! Ernernhui82 also gone. Why did they always appear & disappear the same time??? To support each other? Or they are the same person?

(end of 21-07-2008, to be continued.......)

Looque Models, Juice magazine, Oxford '99, Dawn Yang, xiaxue, Steven Lim, Plastic surgery, singapore, cozycot